Sunday, July 31, 2011

P.E.P. Update!

As of July 31st, here's the current list of P.E.P. participants:
  1. Vannesa T.
  2. Mandy L.
  3. Alexandra K.
  4. Tisha K.
  5. Nicola P.
  6. Victoria T.
  7. Kaitlyn P.
  8. Pamela C.
  9. Lauryn G.
  10. Hannah N.
  11. Julie T.
  12. ME! :)
If you signed up and your name is not listed, please let me know by leaving a comment.

Once again, thank you for those who signed up already. Let's keep spreading the word around. The more participants we have, the more fun and exciting it will be! :)


  1. I sent you an email to sign up...let me know if you got it, or not :)

  2. I signed up, but I'm not there...
    Could you let me know if i'm included?
    thanks! Maartje


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♥ Teresa ♥